Rokita to Hoosier Seniors: “The safety net has to be cut down”; Affordable Care Act Provides a Lifeline to 2.7 Million Hoosiers

Former Congressman — and failed perennial candidate for statewide office in Indiana — Todd Rokita put out a new ad misleading Hoosiers about his years of attacks on health care and repeated efforts to deny protections for pre-existing conditions, coverage for preventive care, and access to affordable health care for Hoosier seniors.

In the ad, Rokita claims he will protect pre-existing conditions as Attorney General. That is a blatant lie.

In Congress, Todd Rokita voted more than 50 times to repeal or amend the Affordable Care Act including votes to eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Here’s a quick list of the dates Rokita voted to take health care away from Hoosiers.

On the campaign trail, Todd Rokita reaffirmed his position of seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act when asked if he supported Curtis Hill’s lawsuit to repeal the ACA saying, “yes.” If Rokita is successful in repealing the ACA, nearly 500,000 Hoosiers would immediately have their health care taken away and more than 2.7 million Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions would be at risk of losing coverage as big insurance corporations would be able to discriminate against them once again. And finally, Hoosiers who survive COVID-19 could be classified as having a pre-existing condition — meaning after surviving a pandemic-inducing virus they would be unable to access health care.

Rokita’s attacks on Hoosiers’ health and well-being don’t stop there.

  • As a member of Congress, Todd Rokita voted for an “age tax” that would allow insurers to charge people over the age of 50 up to five times more for health care.
  • Todd Rokita also supported increasing the Social Security retirement age and increasing the Medicare age to 78.

Todd Rokita’s record of attacking health care, attacking seniors, and putting public health and safety at risk is well-documented. His anti-health care record is cause for concern as Hoosiers begin voting.

This November, Hoosiers who want an Attorney General who will defend their access to health care & protect their access to a safe, healthy, and timely retirement should say “No” to Todd Rokita.



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