Where’s Jim O’Neill?
As COVID cases eclipse 75,000 reported cases in North Carolina, Jim O’Neill is noticeably absent
Our country is continuing to struggle through a global health crisis, and people are looking for leaders who will fight for them and provide safety for them and their families. COVID-19 cases are on the rise in North Carolina — just this week, the state eclipsed 75,000 total reported cases.
North Carolinians want pro-active leaders, and that is just not the case for Republican AG candidate Jim O’Neill. He’s leaving voters wondering: “Where’s Jim?”
- Why is Jim O’Neill AVOIDING answering questions about the critical need to protect access to health care for more than 500,000 North Carolinians?
- Why is Jim O’Neill SILENT when it comes to defending protections for more than 4 million North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions?
- Why is Jim O’Neill MISSING from conversations about fighting the COVID-19 crisis as cases and deaths in the state continue to climb?
Perhaps most alarming, North Carolina Lt. Governor and current Republican nominee for Governor Dan Forest late Sunday night falsely claimed “wearing a mask does not work with viruses.”
The scientific data shows wearing a mask can save lives, and it’s a precaution supported by medical experts, research, and leaders across the country.
But, once again, Jim O’Neill is NOWHERE to be found.
He did not condemn these dangerous comments made by his running mate, nor has he come out in support of wearing a mask.
So, does Jim O’Neill stand with Republican Dan Forest or does he support public safety measures that will protect North Carolina families?
Jim O’Neill’s silence is dangerous when it comes to these life and death issues and it shows a real lack of leadership during such a critical point in time in our country’s history.
Voters shouldn’t have to guess where leaders stand on these important issues. North Carolinians are at risk and it’s clear Jim “Inaction” O’Neill isn’t up for the job of keeping North Carolinians safe.
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