Will the Real Heather Heidelbaugh Please Stand Up?
Last year, Republican AG nominee Heather Heidelbaugh was criticizing President Trump left and right, often praising his critics like former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (AZ), and more.
But now that she is running for statewide office, Heather Heidelbaugh is singing a different tune than just a few months ago.
As she crisscrosses the Commonwealth desperately seeking to convince Trump supporters of her new identity, she appears to be tossing country aside, opting instead for politics.
Pennsylvanians deserve to know where Heather Heidelbaugh really stands.
Does she think we need to “fight back” against Trump or is she riding the Trump train? What was it that made her change her values so fast?
- Was it Trump’s effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take affordable health care from 858,000 Pennsylvanians, including protections for 5.2 million Pennsylvanians with pre-existing conditions?
- Was it Trump’s recent attacks on the U.S. Postal Service that are creating delays in medicine and paychecks in the Commonwealth?
- Or was just another hack job for purely political purposes?
Voters always see through a phony, and Heather Heidelbaugh’s true colors are brighter than she thinks. It’s pretty obvious she is in it for herself and her special interest friends — NOT the people of Pennsylvania.
With over 450,000 Pennsylvania Republicans already requesting mail ballots this year, of which nearly 40,000 are identified as likely persuadable voters for the office of Attorney General — it’s imperative these voters know about Heidelbaugh’s flip-flop past.
Pennsylvanians just can’t trust Heather Heidelbaugh.
Read more in The Philadelphia Inquirer here.